Sharing knowledge and stories of
Lake Tyers
Living Bung Yarnda is a knowledge-sharing project committed to protecting the health of Lake Tyers and its catchment.
Lake Tyers holds a very special place in the hearts of anyone who has the privilege to live or visit here. It is truly a ‘Living Lake’, with abundant fish, birds, mammals and reptiles, lush vegetation and flowing waters. Living Bung Yarnda is a place to share in your love of the lake - how it changes, what you value and what you want to protect. You can be part of environmental monitoring programs or share your stories, photographs and artworks that have been inspired by the lake. All are welcome to join Living Bung Yarnda to share your knowledge and protect this special place.
What’s happening
Living Bung Yarnda Annual Report
An overview of the Living Bung Yarnda project – its progress, challenges and future opportunities.
Find out more about the environmental condition and trends of Lake Tyers over time and the monitoring data collected by the community.
Art, photography and
Lake Tyers has a rich environmental history and a thriving artist community. Living Bung Yarnda provides a space to share your expressions of social and environmental change.
Artwork by Josephine Jakobi.
View all the relevant policy documents, publications and existing monitoring data for Lake Tyers and its catchment.

“When the rain season is here, the water will flow down the catchment of Boggy Creek and Toorloo Arm and I can begin to fill up, then I will spread out onto the land…I’m going to collect some food as gifts to give to the saltwater fish.”
— Wayne Thorpe, A Story of Bung Yarnda